Price list for analyses and services

Ion chromatography at Industridoktorn is used for advanced chemical analyses

Our speciality is to develop completely new or set up rare standardized analytical methods. We also measure substances in difficult matrixes*, such as those that other labs don´t do, and perform refining in enough quantities for prototypes/demo products. Below you find our price list for our analyses and services as well as web links (Analysis-finder) to commercial laboratories that perform standard determinations in specified matrixes.

Recurring analyses (ex. VAT)

Biological analysis 289-3098 SEK/sample

  • Light microscopy for mould occurrence, 289 SEK/sample
  • Cell counting in counting chamber, 289 SEK/sample
  • Number of coliforms and E. coli in water, cultivation, 447 SEK/sample
  • ATP measurement, water sample, 840 SEK/sample
  • DNA/RNA extraction water, 1964 SEK/sample
  • qPCR E. coli detection in water, Ct, 2678 SEK/sample
  • RT-LAMP Covid detection in water, 2772 SEK/sample
  • qPCR Covid detection in water, Ct, 3098 SEK/sample

Electrochemistry 150-263 SEK/sample

  • Conductivity, 150 SEK/sample
  • pH, 150 SEK/sample
  • Redox (orp), 263 SEK/sample
  • Oxygen, 263 SEK/sample

Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) 1155-1680 SEK/sample

  • GCMS – Single substance (analysis only), 1155 SEK/sample
  • ATD-GCMS – Single substance (analys only), 1365 SEK/sample
  • GCMS – Overview analysis (analysis only), 1365 SEK/sample
  • VOC ATD-GCMS – Overview analysis (analysis only), 1680 SEK/sample

Ion chromatography (IC) 510-2468 SEK/sample

  • IC – Anions (F, Cl, Br, NO3, (NO2), PO4, SO4), 510 SEK/sample
  • IC – Cations (Li, Na, NH4, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba), 510 SEK/sample
  • IC – Nutrients (NH4, NO3, NO2, PO4), 620 SEK/sample
  • IC – Organic acids (1 pcs free of choice C1-C4), 850 SEK/sample
  • IC – Organic acids C1-C4, 1670 SEK/sample
  • IC – Chlorine anions IC (Cl-,ClO2-,ClO3- ClO4-), 1890 SEK/sample
  • IC – Persulfate, 2468 SEK/sample

Liquid chromatography (HPLC), 1050 SEK/sample

Sample preparations 263-16 800 SEK/sample

  • Sample preparation, simple, 263 SEK/sample
  • Sample preparation, difficult, 945 SEK/sample
  • Upconcentration, 945 SEK/sample
  • SPE typical, 945 SEK/sample
  • Up-concentration of difficult samples for DNA extraction, 1360 SEK/h
  • Sample preparation GCMS (typically 0.5 h/sample), 1360 SEK/h
  • Preparation column, 1995 SEK/sample
  • Soxhlet – 500 ml setup and extraction for 16 h,  2415 SEK/sample
  • Vacuum distillation max 1500 ml “crude” per run, 5145 SEK/run
  • Vacuum distillation 6000 ml “crude”, 16 800 SEK

Spectroscopy 510-2940 SEK/sample

  • Spectrophotometry (Absorbance, one scan), 510 SEK/sample
  • Spectrofluorometry (Fluorescense, one scan), 510 SEK/sample
  • Raman (bulk measurement), 1103 SEK/sample
  • FTIR single sample + database search (>30 000), 1654 SEK/sample
  • FTIR triplicate + database search (>30 000), 2100 SEK/sample
  • Spectrofluorometry (Fluorescense map), 2940 SEK/sample

Titrations 473-1600 SEK/sample

  • Titration simple, 473 SEK/sample
  • Titration oxygen Winkler, 473 SEK/sample
  • Titration difficult, 1313 SEK/sample
  • KF – coulometric water titration (direct), 800 SEK/sample
  • KF – coulometric water titration (oven), duplicate 1600 SEK/sample

Chemical surveillance (Robots)

  • Rent of surveillance robot 22 500 SEK/1st week, 11 250 SEK/following week

Standards and analysis programs for specific questions

Free acids

ISO 7327 Free acids in acid anhydrides, 2095 SEK/sample

Analysis program for PUR and its degradation products

ISO-17734-1 & ISO-17734-2, the Industridoktorn modified method for simultaneous determination of amino isocyanates and isocyanates. The method can be used for both air and solid samples, for instance PUR foam. Price with reservation for additional sample preparation cost, 5245 SEK/sample.


Starting cost 1360 SEK

Hourly rate 2024, 1360 SEK/h

Course 4 h, 12 600 SEK

Technical audits in chemistry and microbiology, from 15 000 SEK


Check out analysis prices at the commercial laboratories for a standardized determination in predefined matrixes.*

Large global laboratories
ALS (general)
Eurofins (general)
SGS (general)

Specialized swedish laboratories
Uppsala vatten (water)
Karlshamnsverkets laboratorium | Uniper (oil)
Universitetssjukhuset Örebro (air)

Analysis broker

* A sample matrix means type of sample, for instance solid, liquid, gaseous, or more specific like precipitation, oil, sludge or plastic.

To be able to offer our services we have a proper tool box consisting of analyses techniques, and not least sample preparation methods that we perform at the lowest possible cost. With sample preparation we mean the process that is needed before the sample can be analyzed in our analysis instruments. Sample preparation can be for instance grinding, sifting, filtration, distillation, extraction, separation and evaporation.

To know the price for your application you always get a very specified tender to consider before the work starts, but sometimes you have to have a cost approximation for techniques and methods in preparatory budget work, research applications or procurements. Such numbers are often very hard to get clarity on, so therefore we list our prices openly, also so they can be compared with others. These are the prices we use when we calculate on a commission cost for you. One point in doing so is that you can adapt the costs after your budget both upwards and downwards, and you can see which parts of the commission that are costly when setting up a new method and then what the cost per analysis is once the method is setup.